Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Of Kingdoms

As I finished watching the movie Kingdom of Heaven, in the last title cards of the movie, it was said that approximately 1000 years ago an uneasy truth was struck between Richard the Lionheart and Saladin... and that today, a certain peace still eludes Jerusalem. So, it has been in all this time that we have waged war against each other for the right to place our claim on not only Jerusalem, but other lands, cities, and property around the world. Yet, we come and go, we live, we die, and the land that exists still remains.

So, I pose this question: If none of us is ever around long enough to remain "King" of that which we fight to possess, then when will we realize that on earth we will, none of us, ever be the kings of anything but ourselves as individuals? When we will we realize that as the kings of ourselves, we must go about our affairs in such a way so as to respect the other kings amongst us? When will we realize that the battles we wage for ownership are only won temporarily, and that in the end, the state of that which we claim to own is eroded by our treatment and appreciation of it, not as a thing that will outlive all of us, but as a thing that should die when we do?

We may have the power to be kings (some of ourselves, and some over others), but I believe that we often lack the wisdom to rule in such a way so as to respect that which allows us to live. Going forward, we are all kings - men and women alike - and we should all treat each other with the respect that is deserving, from one King, to another.

DISCLAIMER: This blog is intended to house my opinions and observations on the world as I see it. Although my arguments may come from the more emotional realm I do try to apply as much fact as I have available to me at the time of writing. I am not writing an encyclopedia here, I am writing opinions. Av

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